If you registered, and would like to get your name changed, please visit
this part of our site for more information.
Also, there is one important feature that I have disabled: deleting your posts. If
you would like for a staff member to delete your post, just PM them about it or simply edit your post and say that you would
like this post deleted, then a Moderator or Administrator will come and delete it. Here is a list of what guests can do.
- Nothing, except view posts
Here is a list of what Regular Users can do.
- Post New Threads/Topics
- Post replies
- Edit posts
- Vote in polls
- Create new polls
Here is a list of what Moderators can do.
- All of the above (except for nothing)
- Delete posts
- Make topics "Sticky"
- Make topics "Announcement"
- Edit/Delete any posts
- Delete Topics
- View users' IP Addresses
Here is a list of what Administrators can do.
- All of the above (except for nothing)
- Create and edit new Forums
- Delete members
- Edit User Names and all other profile information
- Make/Delete a User Group
- Ban/Un-ban Members, IP Addresses, and E-mail Addresses
- Edit/Add/Delete Smilies/Emoticons and Board Styles
- Change Banner
- Make a member Moderator or Administrator
- Disallow User Names